Wealth is the cause of many ills. Kaama (desire) and bhoga are your enemies; and Dharma (instituted religion) is the cause of both. Let go of them all. Develop indifference for worldly things.
Friends, land, wealth, palace, women, heirs, and other assets are like a dream or an illusion that last for a few days. See things thus, and understand this.
Sansara is where trishnaa (longing) is. (The triad of the one who desires, the desire itself, and the desired object, is the sansara.) Take the aashraya (refuge) of a praudha (mature) vairaagya (detachment) and give up trishna. Become sukhi and free of cares.
Trishna is the only cause of bandhana (bondage). Moksha is the name of its destruction. As soon as you become detached from the drishya-varga (everything that is known by the senses) you start feeling fulfilled and blissful.
You are One, and you are shuddha che`tan (consciousness). This world is jada (insensate) and asat. The well-known avidyaa (nescience) of the jigyaasu (seeker of the Truth) is nothing. Then, what is the object you wish to know?
Your attachment to the Kingdom, son, women, your body, and sukha, has continued for several lifetimes, but these never endured. They were all destroyed.
You have achieved wealth, indulgences, and punya karma (actions of spiritual merit). Discontinue these activities. This world is like a dense forest in which these saadhana (methods for spiritual progress) give no shanti.
Nobody knows how many lifetimes you have spent in troublesome rituals, using your body, mind and speech. Now, at least, give them up!