You have no adhyaasa (false identification) with any object. You, yourself, are pure; then, what do you want to let go of? Using vichaara (deep analytical thought) let go of the vyashti (individual) and samashti (collective; all) shareera (bodies) and become mukta.
All the drishya padaartha (seen objects) rise up from you the way drops of water rise up in the sea. As you gradually obtain the realization that only one aatma-sattaa (the existence of the Atma) is real, become nirvikalpa (free of doubts and dualities), shanta, and mukta.
Even though the world is seen clearly, it is absolutely non-existent in you shuddha swarup. It is like mistaking a coiled rope for a snake. Come to this conclusion and become mukta.
You are poorna (whole; complete in yourself). Know this, and know that sukha-dukha, aashaa-niraashaa (hope-hopelessness), jeevana-mrityu (life-death) etc are equal; and become mukta.